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This Greta Thunberg thing is a curiosity. Spergy 16 year old who, sorry, doesn't know much about anything, and who is quite blatantly being used as a propaganda vehicle. And the target of the propaganda appears to be young girls. The 'Squad' presumably targets slightly older girls. The Guardian itself appears to be a kind of rhetoric train, where all sorts of lunatics are given temporary travel passes.

Out of sheer curiosity, I read a Thunberg-related article in the Guardian (I know, apologies). I can admire the effectiveness of her PR agent. The poor girl herself however is clearly being used. The article did cause me to consider the link between dumbing-down, and the targeting of younger women\girls? This is, more simply, the emphasis of rhetoric over dialectic, as Vox Day has explained. Rhetoric is particularly effective on younger women, it seems, with 'Kids in Cages' being a particularly devastating example. All terribly cynical sloganeering, to this blogger. Makes one more suspicious of climate change in general. Does not end well.

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