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  • Cargo Cult


Well, the ALP blew it. I didn't call it, but am not surprised. Bill doesn't resonate, and their pitch was inner-city bubble politics. Both firmly rejected.

There were signs. Polls were tight, the ALP campaign a little lacklustre. ScoMo kept it disciplined, and focused on Bill. My observation is that the bubble issues so important to the ALP left-faction (many of whom are female) are all but irrelevant to many. The ALP might argue, fairly, that it's up to them to lead the debate. However, this could only work under a different leader. Bill Shorten was always a handicap.

And so the unloseable election has been lost. Expect some doubling-down, and criticism of the Australian voter, from the usual suspects. But, they made their pitch, and it was rejected. The voter is funny like that.

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