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  • Cargo Cult

Folau Fired

"Drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolators - Hell awaits you."

Not exactly diplomatic, agreed. For one, the drunk and adulterer categories probably puts 90% of his fellow rugby players in some trouble. Perhaps that's why he was fired?

I jest, naturally. Israel Folau was fired for breaching the current code of conduct, or current blasphemy laws, if you prefer. Whether he actually broke the code, which appears not to have included a social media clause, and whether he should have been fired, remain a moot point. Assuming he appeals, this will soon be resolved by the courts.

However, I have a suspicion that Ms Castle, and her various enablers in the MSM media, hugely over-estimate their level of support. Firing people for religious beliefs, generally a bad look. And Australia is, still, a Christian country. There are many who disagree with Folau's comments, but would never advocate his firing. This doesn't appear terribly complicated, but Ms Castle appears not to care.

"Rugby Australia CEO Raelene Castle said Folau was a 'great player' but that everyone has the right to be respected regardless of sexuality, race, gender or religion."

File under: technically correct, but irrelevant. Folau's Christian faith, clearly, isn't being respected. And virtue signalling isn't necessarily an acceptable argument in court. I can't help but think that Rugby Australia has messed up royally, and doubled-down to an absurd degree when called out. Ms Castle will be fired, should they lose the case. And I suspect they will.

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