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  • Cargo Cult


Well that was hilarious. After attacking Corbyn for years, and refusing to accept the Referendum result, the Remainers just got slaughtered. I can't read minds, but I swear some of them are actually surprised. Publicly, they are blaming Corbyn, even still.

Old me concedes what Young me couldn't: that manifesto was a suicide note. Tom Watson was correct. The UK was never going to vote for Swedish socialism, and the Blairites, for once, have a point. Given what we know, however, it could well be the case they signed off on the manifesto, accepting the massacre as the price of ousting Corbyn. I suspect this is the case. However, the Remainers are of course doubling-down. This was the Brexit election, and they refuse to concede the game. In a way, this is admirable: they have, many of them, sacrificed their careers for their Higher Purpose. That they are entirely indifferent to the referendum result is understandable via the lens of ideology. It is not understandable through the lens of political reality. They had to accept Brexit. They refused to.

Of course, this is not over. It will never be over till the EU collapses. This collapse is not inevitable, but I view the EU much like the UK monarchy. Once the current head has passed, they are both fragile. Merkel is Queen of Europe, via the usual methods: skullduggery and voter fraud. Her time will soon pass, after which, it will soon be seen how popular the EU truly is, or ever was. Not very is my guess.

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