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Social Media

So, the firings have commenced in earnest.

Jessica Whelan's (Lib) effort:

Not outstanding, for sure. Offended a minority group, that's her out.

Luke Gerrard (Lab) forwarded a meme:

Offended the MeToo crowd, so that's him out.

Sachin Joshi (LIb):

“The main reason for the gender gap lies in the active interest (or lack of it) towards business skills/responsibilities,” he wrote on his LinkedIn candidate profile last October.

Mr Joshi, who works as a business coach in the medical community, also claimed that “women doctors” were less active and interested in pursuing business skills.

“In my interaction with many female doctors, I have observed that they put lesser priority on understanding money matters, dealing with staff issues, managing commercial aspects and other business-related ‘stuff’,” he wrote.

Offended women, thus toast.

There has been a 'lively' debate on whether the summary political executions were valid. I'm sure such debates were lively in Germany, and Russia, once.

Jessica Whelan looks around 16 in this post, though I have been unable to locate the date. The language is not parliamentary, but this is social media. She also denies making this particular post, so was apparently fired for others, of a similar bent. The muslim community is a significant voter block, and head office acted. I concede the theoretical possibility that this was just a hard-headed call, made in what is, potentially, tight election.

Poor Luke Gerrard's post was 2012. He was 22. He has bent the knee:

“I think this is a really important lesson for young people that your social media footprint will follow you,” Mr Creasey said in a statement.

It is an important lesson, though not the kind poor Luke thinks. The lesson is that, in a tit for tat war between competing head offices, the pawns are sacrificed without a second thought. And that the laughably bad Australian media will play along with the endless virtue signalling. Forwarding a stupid meme about crazy women is not, of course, a moral issue. It doesn't say anything about the character of the man himself. This candidate could have been protected. The strategists could have argued an apology for an error was enough, and perhaps they did. However, the 'left' faction would have done for Luke: key feminist and LGBT players won't accept any critique of MeToo, and he's gone.

Mr Joshi made an observation based on his experience. This is, to my knowledge, still allowed. One may say he was expressing a bias, or stereotype, thus made a 'gaffe'. However, he did say 'many', which is not 'all'. And observing that a Doctor wishes to focus on patient care, and is less interested in the more tedious business side of the job, is hardly an insult. They trained as medical professionals, not project managers. This firing looks more like an internal shafting than a professional decision.

There will be more. And they will be equally stupid. This is the virtue signal election. Politicians have become self-aware, and realised that most people hate them, so they have to signal to carefully targeted groupings, and be disciplined at all times. Perhaps elections are dead; long live elections.

And social media are swinging the ban hammer. Not coincidentally, they are banning people who espouse the views contained above. Who would have thought?

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