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  • Cargo Cult

Toast is served

Updated: Sep 7, 2019

I'm mostly curious as to why Kaila Murnain was in the role. She was too young, clearly. Her promotion looks like an example of negative selection, so endemic in political life. I'm not clear exactly what skills she had to recommend her. Politics is rife with people whose confidence resonates at Sun King levels, she can't be unusual on that score.

The role should of course be for an elder, at least one generation up from Ms Murnain, and Mr Dastyari. I'm a little surprised that hard-nosed political operators allow such younglings to take these roles. Clearly I don't live in these circles, but I suspect they won't make the same mistake with the next stooge.

And so on to the next one. Won't be long. Powerful people, and the CCP, will always seek to buy influence. Like a virus probing a weakness in a firewall. Who knows which country the next attack will emanate from?

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